On January 10, 2025, Chinese Ambassador H.E. Wu Wei attended the handover ceremony of the Renovation Project of Pohnpei State Government Building in the FSM aided by China held by Pohnpei State Government. His Royal Majesty Wasalapalap Isipahu, Nahnmwarki of Madolenihmw, and Likend Kelekel Madolenihmw, His Royal Majesty Nanpwutak Pikiniap, Nahnmwarki of Sokehs, His Royal Highness IsoNahnken of Madolenihmw, His Royal Highness IsoNahnken of Sokehs, and Nahnkeniei Sokehs, H.E. Wesley W. Simina, President of the FSM, and Madame First Lady Ancelly Simina, T.H. Aren B. Palik, Vice President of the FSM, and Madame Second Lady Adelita Palik, T.H. Esmond B. Moses, Speaker of the FSM Congress, T.H. Stevenson A. Joseph, Governor of Pohnpei State, and Dr. Aina Garstang, First Lady of Pohnpei State, Secretary of TC&I, Secretary of Finance and Administration, Deputy Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Special Advisor on Foreign Affairs to the President, officials and senators of the FSM, Pohnpei State, and municipalities of Pohnpei, members and representatives of the Diplomatic Corps and International Organizations in the FSM, representatives from China Jiangxi International Economic and Technical Cooperation Co.,Ltd, and locals attended the event.
Ambassador Wu reviewed the project construction process in his speech, highlighted the outcomes of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, and said that China is willing to work with the FSM to implement the important consensus reached by President Xi Jinping and President Simina, and strengthen practical cooperation in various fields, so as to bring more benefits to the two countries and peoples.
President Simina and Governor Joseph delivered remarks thanking China for its contribution to the development of the FSM and the Chinese Company for the renovation project, praised the project as a symbol of the FSM-China friendship, and said that the FSM side will continue to firmly adhere to the one-China policy, and consolidate and develop the friendly relations between the FSM and China.
The two sides signed the project handover certificate. Afterwards, Ambassador Wu handed over the key signifying the opening of the Pohnpei State Government Building to President Simina. Ambassador Wu, together with President Simina and Governor Joseph, cut the ribbon, and toured the interior of the building.